ZI La Petite Prairie - 37140 Bourgueil

This company is an outlet or a subsidiary of POINT S France.
Data of the main company figure in grey when those of this outlet are missing.

General information

  • TypeRepairshop
  • Country codeFR
  • SIRET92225400800019
  • EAN code-
  • Buying GroupPoint S
  • Member code00003324
  • Web site-
  • Last update 07/02/2023

EDI messages

  • EDI messages Sending Receiving
    Pricelist - -
    Stock availibility - -
    Repair order - -
    Stock order - -
    Order Response - -
    Despatch Advice - -
    Invoice - -
    Remittance Advice - -
    VMI - -
    Valued / With packing / Dematerialized
    Treated / Not treated / Not available
  • Additional information (outlets, contacts, practices) available only in your subscriber page